Member-only story
I casually strolled down to the site, making sure to wave and smile for my fans on the way.
Fans were something I had plenty of. It turned out that remaining active for over a dozen years without a single complaint, without a single mishap or civilian getting hurt while you did your work, was quite the way to build popularity. All the interviews probably hadn’t hurt either. It wasn’t like I had intentionally sought out fame, but I had no intention of avoiding it now that it was here.
As for where I was headed?
To do my job.
I was, you see, a hero. The super kind, you know, the kind with lots of fancy powers. The kind that often left behind explosions, destruction in their wake, that always stopped the bad guys without paying the slightest thought to how much property they were destroying in the process.
But not me. I was different.
For one thing, fighting villains wasn’t the main part of my job, nor was rescuing people.
For another, I actually paid attention to what was going on around me, instead of just mindlessly punching my way through everything that got in my way.
My job was, after all, to clean up after the messier supers. And that wasn’t the kind of job you would keep for long if you weren’t actually helping… well, actually getting…